Tuesday, July 16, 2024

16th of July 2024 - The Médoc


The Médoc region has many prestigious wine châteaux with an array of architectural styles.  There are also well as miles of grapevines stretching as far as the eye can see.

Fort Médoc was built by Vauban on the left bank of the Gironde estuary.  This was with the intention of protecting Bordeaux against the risk of invasion from the river together with Fort Paté and the Blaye Citadel which are located on the right hand bank of the Gironde.  Fort Médoc the Citadel of Blaye, its city walls and Fort Paté were listed in 2008 as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


In the morning there was an oyster tasting at Fort Médoc.  Unfortunately I am allergic to oysters however many others enjoyed the beautifully fresh oysters brought from only an hour away.  At least I had a taste of the Entre-Deux-Mers that was offered to drink with the oysters.  I also enjoyed a stroll around Fort Médoc.


We took a scenic drive in the afternoon through the Médoc wine route from Pauillac to the tip of the Médoc peninsula past vineyards of the region.  These vineyards including Château Latour, Mouton Rothschild and Pichon Longueville Baron.


The drive ended by visiting the cellars of the Camensac wine estate followed by a wine tasting.

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